Please check the Events tab, as some nights we open all 3 floors open to everyone, or to couples only! If you have any further questions for us, email us from the Contact tab, or call us at 41! Safe sex supplies are free of charge, and available at the front counter. POWER EXCHANGE HAS A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR TOUCHING WITHOUT PERMISSION! WE ALSO DO NOT PROVIDE ANY KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT, AND PAID ENTRY DOES NOT GUARANTEE ANY KIND OF “ACTION”. Sacramento police have been trying to stop the public sex in these places for. CONSENT IS A MUST, SO ALWAYS ASK, AND NO MEANS NO! BREAKING THIS RULE IS GROUNDS FOR IMMEDIATE MEMBERSHIP TERMINATION. In about 1992, some people in Sacramentos gay community tried handing out. USE OF ELECTRONICS OF ANY KIND IS NOT PERMITTED AT POWER EXCHANGE. AS A RESULT, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO POWER OFF DEVICES BEFORE ENTERING.